5. Don’t leave keys outside your home.
It is important to never leave a spare key outside your home or in an easily accessible area, as home intruders can use this to gain access. Instead, keep any spare keys inside your home and make sure that they are hidden away from view. If you have children at home, it is also important to teach them not to give out home keys or any other home access information to strangers. If you go on vacation, t is best to have a trusted family member or friend pick up mail and check on your home while you’re away.
6. Secure valuables and documents in a safe or lockbox.
It is important to secure any valuable items, such as jewelry, cash, or important documents in a home safe or lockbox. This will ensure that they are kept out of the hands of home intruders. Additionally, it is also important to make sure that you have stored important documents such as birth certificates, insurance papers, and home deeds in a safe place in case of an emergency. Be sure to choose a home safe that is large enough to store all your items and provide you with extra peace of mind.
7. Get to know your neighbors and look out for each other’s property.
Getting to know your neighbors and looking out for each other’s property is another great home security measure. Knowing who lives nearby and making sure to alert one another if anything suspicious happens can help deter home intruders. Additionally, it also gives you peace of mind knowing that someone will be able to look after your home while you are away. Consider organizing a neighborhood watch program or having regular meetings to get to know each other and discuss home security best practices. This can be an effective way to keep your home safe and secure!